Amman is rapidly expanding south. Much of the city’s development is taking place in the southern areas along the Airport Road, as residential buildings are being constructed and schools and retailers are moving in. Land and property values are only going up, making Al – Ola Apartments a good investment idea today.
In collaboration with Bank al Etihad and Safwa Islamic Bank, we offer different and attractive financing options for interested buyers. To learn more about these options please contact Abdullah Ghuneim at Etihad on +962-79-540-1734 or Tareq Batran at Safwa on +962-79-900-1296. Other financing options are available directly with Jiwar Amman.
بالتعاون مع بنك الاتحاد وبنك صفوة الإسلامي، تقدم جوار عمان خيارات تمويل متنوعة ومغرية للمشترين المهتمين! لمعرفة المزيد عن هذه الخيارات، يرجى الاتصال ب عبد الله غنيم من بنك الاتحاد على الرقم 1734-540-79-962+ أو ب طارق بطران من بنك صفوة الإسلامي على الرقم1296-900-79-962+. وتتوفر خيارات اخرى مباشرة مع جوار عمان.